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What is the price of bezoge Earth (bezoge)?
The trading volume of Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE) is $18,553.85 in the last 24 hours, representing a -18.80% decrease from one day ago and signalling a recent fall in market activity. What is the all-time high for Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE)? The highest price paid for Bezoge Earth (BEZOGE) is $0.000000015912, which was recorded on Nov 23, 2021 (over 1 year).What is Legends of bezogia by bezoge Earth?
Each unique to their own playstyles and lore, Bezogi fight, craft and explore the epic lands of Bezogia. Legends of Bezogia by Bezoge Earth is the most comprehensive gaming world where players can interact with the game in numerous ways without actually being obliged to have any cryptocurrencies.What is the support level for bezoge Earth?
Based on today's classical pivot point (P1) with the value of $ 2.752e-10, Bezoge Earth has support levels of $ 2.630e-10, $ 2.569e-10, and the strongest at $ 2.447e-10. Similarly, Bezoge Earth resistance levels are at $ 2.813e-10, $ 2.934e-10, and $ 2.996e-10..How do I trade bezoge Earth?
Bezoge Earth can be traded using Coinbase Wallet, your key to the world of crypto. Bezoge Earth is only available through Coinbase Wallet. Assets on Coinbase Wallet are not held by Coinbase. Use of Coinbase Wallet is subject to these terms. Coinbase users can earn up to $400 on average just by taking advantage of our rewards. Get started now.